
What to do if you’ve reached a state where there is no answer to the question “What to do?”. Try this recipe:


Begin to see yourself and those around you as an equal among equals. You are an equal among equals. Remember: you are not among the beautiful or the ugly, you are not among the bad or the good, you are not among the rich or the poor, you are not among the foolish or the wise; you are equal among equals.


Start repeating it like a mantra:
I am my own reason for myself to overcome spiritual alienation.
I am my own reason for myself to stop the inner conflict.
I am my own reason for myself to call myself to creativity.
I am my own reason for myself to hold myself accountable.
I am the cause to summon myself to freedom.
I am my own reason for calling myself to love.
I am my own reason for myself to call myself to satisfy needs.
I am my own reason for overcoming spiritual alienation.

If some concepts are unfamiliar to you, then locate and study information about the meanings of these concepts.


Learn to say “Yes” to your sensible ideas and reasonable outside suggestions.

© Victor Chekin

“Public organisation of socialisation of youth”. Vinnytsia. Ukraine. 2023